
Training is the driving force behind the growth of skills within the organisation and allows the achievement of the set objectives of excellence. Competent and motivated staff make the difference between a bureaucratic organisation, slow and tied to traditions and a dynamic and innovative one, able to ride the challenges of the present and the future. For this reason, the development of competencies within the Santa Croce Clinic is aimed both at training the soft skills necessary for an organisation that wants to be oriented to teamwork and results, and technical aspects (hard skills) related to specific professional profiles of clinicians and health workers.
The training in the clinical field is the responsibility of the Scientific Council of the Santa Croce Clinic, which has the aim to promote and organise the training through study days, seminars, congresses and scientific-cultural events.

Scientific Council

Dr. Sara Fumagalli, Dr. Silvano Testa, Dr. Gea Besso, Prof. Salvatore Freni

In addition, to ensure consistency in the quality of care and innovation in therapeutic treatments, the Medical Directorate is assisted by a group of experts of different orientations who take turns in continuous training.


Dr.Lombardi Giuseppe, Dr. Berrini Roberto, Dr. Cattaneo Sonia, Prof. Freni Salvatore, Dr. Didiano Domenico, Prof. Stanghellini Giovanni, Prof. Fagiolini Andrea

FMH training

The transfer of skills between senior and junior medical colleagues is central to the process of professional growth of the Clinic and to support the goal of the Confederation and the Canton to train doctors in the area.
For this reason, since 2009 the Santa Croce Clinic has been recognized by the ISFM (Swiss Institute of Medical Education), an autonomous body of the FMH (Professional Association of Physicians with a federal diploma or equivalent), as a category A institute for specialist training in psychiatry and psychotherapy lasting three years.
In the field of specialist training in psychiatry and psychotherapy, the Clinic is an active member of the Gruppo Ticinese per il Perfezionamento Psichiatria e Psicoterapia (GTPPP).
In total, the Clinic offers six places for medical assistants who wish to obtain FMH recognition in psychiatry and psychotherapy. In addition, from the year 2019 the Holy Cross Clinic is also recognised by the FMH for training in outpatient psychiatry (two years).

Nursing Training

The professional competences of the nursing staff in the psychiatric field play a central role in the care process. The nursing management has undertaken the challenge of lifelong learning for its staff, which is guaranteed both through in-house training courses, designed and coordinated directly by the nursing and human resources management, and by making use of courses organised by external structures such as the Scuola Specializzata Superiore in Cure Infermieristiche (SSSCI) and the Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI). Every year, the Clinic provides scholarships for nurses who wish to obtain the SUPSI Diploma of Advanced Studies in Mental Health and Psychiatry. The investments in supporting the specialization in psychiatry of its nursing staff, guarantees to the Clinica Santa Croce to have in its staff more than half of the personnel specialized in mental health.

Youth Training and Apprenticeships

Clinica Santa Croce believes in training as a tool for the social, cultural and economic growth of its territory. For this reason, in addition to the training of clinical staff, it believes in the dual system of training and offers apprenticeships and internships in all professional areas in which it can guarantee an effective tutoring. The main areas in which apprenticeships are offered are administration, cooking and hotel service. Internships can also be carried out in other areas of the structure.