Partnerships and Affiliations
For the Santa Croce Clinic, the relationships between public and private institutions and with individual operators in the territory are the instrument of interchange of competences for the mutual growth of an effective and interconnected community of care. Relationships are an essential element to promote the well-being of patients and to improve the performance of care.
We promote professional collaboration with family doctors in order to guarantee specialist consultancy support, thus helping doctors who are most in contact with patients to recognise and manage cases that require specialist psychological or psychiatric support. Similarly, we collaborate with psychiatrists in order to ensure an effective therapeutic approach before, during and after a period of hospitalisation.
The Clinic also actively supports private health care, strongly believing that the presence of the private health sector alongside the public one can contribute to a healthy competition able to promote the improvement of the services offered and the containment of costs. For this reason Clinica Santa Croce is an active member of the Associazione Cliniche Private Ticinesi, an umbrella association which is part of the wider Association of Swiss Private Clinics.