
The Santa Croce Clinic is an institute for the acute treatment of psychiatric disorders recognized by the Department of Health and Social Affairs and included in the cantonal hospital planning.
The medical direction of the Clinic is entrusted to Dr. Sara Fumagalli, while the administrative direction is in the hands of Mr. Rahim Houshmand, who also holds the position of General Manager. Overall, the Clinic employs more than 130 staff members, of whom just under 60% are doctors and nursing staff.

View the organisation chart

General Direction

Rahim Houshmand
General and Administrative Director

Dr. Hirad Houshmand
Member of the Board of Directors

Luca Santagostino
Organization and Development Strategy Director – Finance and Controlling Manager

Elena Ghislanzoni Besomi
Deputy Director and Human Resources Manager

Other organisational groups

  • Board of directors

    The board of directors of the Clinica Santa Croce is an important body for the functioning of the clinic and the quality of healthcare provided to patients. The board is responsible for defining the clinic’s strategy, ensuring its economic and financial sustainability, and guaranteeing the quality of healthcare provided to patients.

    The responsibilities of the board of directors include defining the policies and procedures for managing the clinic’s activities, assessing the quality of the healthcare provided, and ensuring that the clinic complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

    In addition, the board is responsible for developing and implementing programmes to improve the quality of healthcare provided, patient safety and the satisfaction of medical and non-medical staff. This also involves evaluating results and defining objectives and strategies for continuous improvement.

    Finally, the board of directors is responsible for ensuring that the clinic operates in an ethical and professional manner, respecting patients’ rights and the ethical and deontological rules applicable to the medical profession.

    Rahim Houshmand
    General and Administrative Director

    Elena Ghislanzoni Besomi
    Deputy Director and Human Resources Manager

    Sara Fumagalli
    Chief Medical Officer

    Valérie De Rosa
    Nursing Care Director

    Luca Santagostino
    Organization and Development Strategy Director – Finance and Controlling Manager

    Claudia Nespeca
    Deputy Chief Medical Officer
  • Philosophy of Cures Group

    The Philosophy of Cures group of the Santa Croce promotes, through reflection, a culture of care based on empathy and respect for patients, exploring issues such as the nature of suffering and the ethics of care. The group is an important resource for the clinic, providing support and exchange of experiences of different members of the Santa Croce Clinica boards ranging from the clinical, hotel and administrative sector. The Philosophy of Care group has no decision-making purposes.

    Sara Fumagalli
    Chief Medical Officer

    Elena Ghislanzoni Besomi
    Deputy Director and Human Resources Manager

    Claudia Nespeca
    Deputy Chief Medical Officer

    Valérie De Rosa
    Nursing Care Director

    Patrizia Bressan
    Head of psychological service

    Veronica Hammer
    Hotel Manager

    Gabi Seiler
    Head of Physiotherapy and Beauty & Wellness
  • CIRS

    CIRS® is an abbreviation of Critical Incident Reporting-System. It’s a platform for monitoring the adverse events that may endanger patient safety.
    Through the anonymous and safe reporting of accidental critical events inside the Clinic during patient care and the subsequent evaluation by a team of experts, CIRS® allows operators in the sector to learn from their own mistakes or those of their colleagues by identifying errors and causes in order to avoid or limit the onset of unwanted events and develop innovative solutions. The mission is to ensure that all patients receive the best possible care without any risk to their health and safety.

    Claudia Nespeca
    Deputy Chief Medical Officer

    Elena Ghislanzoni Besomi
    Deputy Director and Human Resources Manager

    Elisa Pugliese
    Department Head

    Veronica Hammer
    Hotel Manager

    Katia Salè